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Don't Miss our Cyber Sale! Nov 30 & Dec 1 !!!



If you haven't tried Periscope,
is a super fun and exciting new app
created by Twitter that allows
you to stream live video!

We are very new to Periscope and are in the
planning stages for our first Broadcast! 
So exciting!!  

Be sure to grab the app, create an account
(so easy- you can use your Twitter account to get started)
and follow us @thelessonguide


We think dads are cool - Boogie Wipes Father's Day Giveaway!!

We think dads are cool,
so we're teaming up with Boogie Wipes
to give away some great gifts for dads.
Boogie Wipes Father's Day Giveaway - enter to win great gifts for dads, including an iPad Mini! Three lucky dads will win a Daddy & Company camouflage backpack stuffed with a Cool Dads T-shirt, and Boogie Wipes, Kandoo and Dreft products. And one grand prize winner will take home an iPad Mini.
We love you, dads!

Enter to Win

It's simple to enter. Just complete the rafflecopter form below to have your name entered into the drawing. Giveaway ends at midnight on Father's Day (June 15) - so enter now! One grand prize winner will receive the iPad Mini and three additional winners will receive the backpacks. Winners will be be randomly chosen.

Looking for more ways to celebrate Dad?

Visit the Boogie Wipes blog for fun ways to celebrate Father's Day outside and fun crafts your kids can make for dads. Boogie Wipes Blog Father's Day The Lesson Guide received no compensation for sponsoring this event, and is not responsible for the delivery of the prize. Prize delivery is the sold responsibility of Boogie Wipes. One grand prize winner and three additional winners will be drawn randomly and notified by email. The winner(s) will have 48 hours to respond in order to claim their prize. If they do not respond within the 48 hours, they will forfeit the prize and an alternate winner will be chosen.

Check Out This Day 8 Birthday Bash Giveaway!!

I have the most amazing TPT blogger friends.  We have been invited to participate in Day 8 of KTP's Birthday Bash Giveaway!! Each day there is a chance for you to win $10 from 8 different TPT stores.  That's $80 every day!!

Be sure to enter Day 8 of the giveaway
in the Rafflecopter Form below!!

I hope that you will follow me at:
 Lisa Michalek

Check out Our Newest Science Task Cards - Cells & Cell Organelles!!

Do your students need extra practice with Animal and Plant Cell Organelles?  
Organelle Function? Cells?

Then this Cell Task Card Bundle is a
'must have' for your Science Classroom:

This set of 32 Cells and Cell Organelles Task Cards will provide Middle and High School Students with Review and Reinforcement of the concepts found while studying Cells, Cell Organelles & Functions.

The following concepts are covered in this set of Task Cards:
Organelles, Animal vs Plant Cells, cell (plasma) membrane, receptor molecules, nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosomes, chloroplast, cell wall, mitochondria, chromosomes, genes, vacuole, nuclear envelope (membrane), gas exchange, organelle functions, ATP, selectively permeable membrane.

Along with the 32 Cells Task cards are 3 blank Task Cards, student direction card, Student Answer Sheet and Teacher Answer sheet/Guide.

I hope that you will follow me at:
 Lisa Michalek

Teacher Appreciation Sale (May 6 & 7)

Need to Feel Appreciated?


Check out the 2 Day Teachers Pay Teachers Appreciation Sale
(May 6th - May 7th)

In honor of the amazing work of Teachers, we are offering
20% off ALL the products in our
TpT store!

 But wait… (there’s more!)
to get an EXTRA 10% off our already reduced price,
making it 28% off in total.


Motherhood's Snot Easy - But it sure is rewarding!

Motherhood is Snot Easy

But it sure is rewarding!

We know being a mom is hard work and things don't always go as planned. So for Mother's Day, we're teaming up with Boogie Wipes to offer you a chance to win an iPad Mini and a Boogie Wipes prize pack! Motherhood's Snot Easy, but it sure is rewarding. Enter to win an iPad Mini from Boogie Wipes

Enter Now!

Complete the form below to enter to win an iPad Mini and Boogie Wipes prize pack. Contest is open to US and Canada. Winner will be chosen at random on midnight, May 11, 2014.

Want to Win More?

Head on over to Boogie Wipes and enter to win a grand prize. One family will win a Disney Cruise and 10 monthly winners will receive Boogie Wipes for a year! Click here to enter. Enter the Contest Grand Prize The Lesson Guide received no compensation for sponsoring this event, and is not responsible for the delivery of the prize. Prize delivery is the sold responsibility of Boogie Wipes. One winner will be drawn randomly and notified by email. The winner will have 48 hours to respond in order to claim their prize. If they do not respond within the 48 hours, they will forfeit the prize and an alternate winner will be chosen.